27 June 2017
The findings of a survey conducted by the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) have confirmed that nearly half of landlord are less likely to rent their property to tenants without a British passport. The study was conducted to assess the impact of the Governments Right to Rent Scheme which legally passes the responsibly of checking a tenants right to rent a property to the landlords; with criminal sanctions and penalties for non-compliance.
It is reported that 17% of British Citizens don’t own a passport, many of these are elderly or the poorest in society, and this is making it more difficult for them to rent private rented accommodation as they cannot easily prove their status despite having the right to rent in the UK. The RLAs study also suggested with the uncertainty surrounding the status of EU nationals, 22% of landlord were less likely to rent to applicants from the EU or EEA.
Kate West, Divisional Lettings Director comments ‘Landlords have been hit with a number of new and updated legislations in the last two years, to include the Government’s Right to Rent Scheme’ Kate continues ‘Landlords can leave themselves vulnerable and in a position where they are not legally compliant if they are not kept up to date with the latest and ever changing legislation.
Goadsby have been increasingly busy ensuring they keep their landlords up to date and compliant and Kate urges any landlords looking to let their properties to contact her for advice and to discuss how Goadsby can ensure they remain legally compliant. Kate can be contacted on 01202 544644 or kate.west@goadsby.com