14 April 2022
Acting on behalf of the site owners, Goadsby has obtained planning permission for the mixed use re-development of 119-122 High Street and 55-59 Castle Way, Southampton. Extending to 6 storeys in height, the new development will accommodate 98 flats, ground floor retail units, and a gym.
Goadsby’s Planning Director, Peter Atfield comments that, “This is a sensitive site, adjoining conservation areas, and in a location of known archaeological importance. The consent is subject to a legal agreement that will include financing site specific transport contributions, as well as affordable housing. Also, a Carbon Management Plan will set out how carbon neutrality will be achieved in accordance with the local planning policies of Southampton City Council.”
The scheme has been designed by NW Architects.
For further information contact Peter Atfield B.TP MRTPI MTCPA FRGS on 01202 550100 or e-mail: peter.atfield@goadsby.com