6 October 2020
Acting on behalf of Le Petit Prince Patisserie, Goadsby has obtained planning permission for the change of use of 411A Wimborne Road, Winton – next to Specsavers and G & T - to a mixed use shop, restaurant and take-away. The take-away element is a temporary facility, permitted under the amended town planning Covid-19 Regulations.
The business will provide an artisan authentic bakery / boulangerie / patisserie producing breads, pastries and savoury items.
In coming to its decision, BCP Council recognised the benefit of reducing the number of empty shop units, creating jobs, and help to stimulate the local Winton economy.
For further information contact Peter Atfield B.TP MRTPI MTCPA FRGS on 01202 550100 or e-mail: peter.atfield@goadsby.com