Pets in Properties
At the time of writing a Landlord is still within their rights to refuse a pet in their property, however, this could all change if the Government gets their way.
Housing Minster Chris Pincher has announced a change to the Government’s Model Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement that will stop landlords from banning pets from private rented homes. However, it must be stressed that Landlords have no obligation to use this document which means the terms are not legally binding on landlords using alternative Tenancy Agreements. He added that Landlords can still object to pets but they must have a good reason for doing so.
This Model Tenancy Agreement has no force in law but it must be noted that a private member’s bill currently before Parliament may change that.
The Dogs and Domestic Animals (Accommodation and Protection) Bill is due for a second reading although no date has been announced.
This bill proposes that tenants must pass a responsible owner test before moving in to a rented home. The test would be adapted for different animals and cover health, training and well-being certified by a vet. The bill also calls for all cats and dogs in rented homes to be microchipped so a vet can scan them before they move into a rented home to ensure they are vaccinated against standard conditions.
Please be assured that as this topic develops we will keep our Information Hub updated.