Future Lettings Legislation
At Goadsby we regularly update our portfolio of landlords about any changes to lettings legislation.
Recent updates include the requirement for 5 yearly electrical safety checks; all tenants having to complete ‘right to rent’ identification checks; smoke detectors being present on each habitable floor of a property and carbon monoxide detectors by all solid fuel burning appliances (open fires and log burners).
New legislation is due to be introduced (the exact date is to be confirmed) requiring carbon monoxide detectors to be installed by all gas boilers and we are advising landlords to get these detectors installed when their gas engineer conducts the yearly gas safety check.
By the end of May 2022 to help tenants and purchasers with their decision to let or buy, Trading Standards have announced that all property listings (lettings and sales) must include a property’s council tax band and sales property listings will also need to include tenure information.
Recently Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) band ratings has also been in the news. The current legislation states a property must have a rating of Band E or above for the property to be let (some landlords can apply for a period of exemption through the local authority if the required works would be too extensive in order to meet this rating).
In a recent article in The Negotiator Magazine, Nigel Lewis wrote ‘two large trains will soon be steaming at full speed towards the industry. One is the need for landlords to ensure their properties obtain an EPC certificate of at least a Band C by December 2025 or December 2028 depending on when their latest tenancy contract started. The other is that home owners and their estate agents will be prevented from selling their properties if they have not achieved a Band C by 2035.’
Recently, most especially, through our Poole Lettings Department we have seen a number of ex-commercial blocks being converted into residential flats which have commanded extremely good rental returns and let very quickly.
If you have a commercial property that you are considering converting please note that the building must be in Use Class E and there are some limitations and conditions. The prior approval of the council is also required. Here at Goadsby we have a specialist Commercial Department with offices in Dorset and Hampshire, contact details are HERE who would be more than happy to help and advise you.
Mark Sanderson, Divisional Director, comments ‘We are working tirelessly to ensure all our landlords are fully up to date on current legislation. We review company procedures and processes to make sure every property marketed and managed by Goadsby is compliant.’
For professional and honest advice about your lettings property please email [email protected].